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Message from the Principal

  • principal clipart

    Greetings Everyone,

    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Northwest Collegiate and Technical Academy, and I am the proud principal of this historic high school. In 1987, I graduated from Northwest as a student-athlete, and decades later I had the fortunate opportunity to serve as principal. As I begin my 4th year at Northwest, I am so proud of my students and the amazing staff members who devote their time and energy to the betterment of our student body. Students, you have been resilient through all the adversity that has existed due to the pandemic. 

     As we start a new school year, please be mindful my staff members are here to support/help you as you transition from one grade level to the next. Our ultimate goal as a high school is to get 100% of our students to graduate within four years and to become productive members in communities throughout the world. Safety is the top priority. 

    Parents, I want to encourage you to visit our school website (just Google Northwest Collegiate and Technical Academy) to learn about important school-related information, school updates, and information on how to contact each staff member who works at Northwest. You can also visit us on Facebook! As the school year progresses, I look forward to meeting you as we work together to prepare your child for high school and beyond. If you have any questions, please call (252) 586-4125. 

    Steve A. Hunter, Principal

Northwest Newsletter

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2024-2025 Calendar

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School Announcements

Viking News

Covid-19 Information Center

  • A Note from Nurse Harris

  • New Clever Log In Directions

  • Park and Learn

  • How To Make A Mask

  • Motivational Video for Life: (High School and Beyond)

District Announcements

  • Nondiscrimination Policy

  • Annual Public Notice