

Degrees and Certifications:

Teacher Specialized in English as a second language ESOL.

Mrs. Maria Laura Sanchez Isturis

 Hola Vikingos


I am Mrs. Sanchez, I am from the South American continent; I am an international Language Teacher. I love meeting new  cultures, and that's why I'm here!

I have 14 years of experience  and I graduated from the Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador in 2008, in Venezuela​.

I am passionate about teaching young people like you, and I am convinced that all my students are capable of learning everything I challenge them to master. 

This is my first year at Northwest Collegiate and Technical Academy, and I am very enthusiastic to be here at Northwest  with you all.

While we are together, I will teach you how to develop the necessary skills you will need to communicate in a second language. Please bear with me and trust the process! 

My goal is to help you grow culturally, personally, and academically, and also provide you with a new perspective on how you can benefit from it as you move into your future adult life. 




Mrs. Maria Laura Sanchez Isturis.