Degrees and Certifications:
Luzviminda Oandasan
Welcome to Third Grade!
I am Luzviminda Oandasan, an educator from the Philippines for more than 15 years with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education.
We also have an academic tutor, Ms. Nellie Jones, a retired teacher who taught for more than 30 years. She still has this passion to guide children and make an impact on their academic journey.
My teaching mantra is to grow each child 1% at a time. I believe that this small step with consistency will result in one big leap once we look back, so come and join me as we learn and grow together and let's keep moving forward strong!
Alumni Directory Luzviminda () Oandasan
Graduation Year: 2007
3rd Grade Math Pacing Guide
Copy of 3rd Grade Math 2023 - 2024 NE CARES Pacing Guide .docx 677.69 KB (Last Modified on February 26, 2024) -
3rd Grade ELA Pacing Guide
Copy of 3rd Grade ELA 2023 - 2024 NE CARES Pacing Guide.docx 4.49 MB (Last Modified on February 26, 2024)