Implementation of the NC Arts Council Grant
The NC Arts Council works hand-in-glove with the North Carolina Arts Council and other organizations and individuals to bring citizens life-changing experiences that stimulate creativity, enhance personal growth, and build pride in our state’s artists and arts traditions. They strive to integrate the arts into the realms of education, economic development, and downtown revitalization.Halifax County Schools participates in the NC Arts Council grant program and applies for grant funding each year. The district is allotted a designated amount of funds and plans thereby. Funding can be viewed at the designated post. The elementary director completes the application in collaboration with the designated school administrator and grant facilitator, as well as secures artists in residency accordingly to meet the Native American and African American cultural needs of the district. The district submits a W-9 form each year for payment of funds. (See attachment.)The district's Grassroots Arts Program final report for 2021-2022 was due in July. Documentation includes artifacts from the events: advertisement of the event, press release, event invitations, thank you letter to NC district representative. The elementary director submits the final report in the "Go Smart" grant portal here: North Carolina Arts Council (gosmart.org). Once the report is submitted in Go Smart, the director follows the instructions given on the certification page to print, sign, scan, and email a copy of the entire report to the NCAC Grants Office at ncac.grantsoffice@ncdcr.gov. The North Carolina Arts Foundation collaborates with the North Carolina Arts Council and other organizations and individuals to ensure that resources are available to sustain North Carolina’s artists and arts organizations and to increase opportunities for all people to participate in the arts. Training: See the attachment for the "Final Report Webinar Recording/PowerPoint" for your reference. Please do not hesitate to reach out with your questions to the point of contact listed below. The foundation is a public charity that is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3).Point of Contact:Leigh Ann Wilder
Creative Economies Director | North Carolina Arts Council
Department of Natural and Cultural Resourcesa. 4632 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-4632
t. 919.814.6508 | w. www.NCArts.org Attachments: 1). NC W-9 2.) Arts Council Application 3.) Application Draft