
  • Syllabus

    Course:  Foundations of Math 3


    The foundation of Math 3 builds upon multiple concepts learned and reinforced in both Math 1 and Math 2. Using the foundation of mathematical concepts already established, students will begin to work with more rigorous extensions of those concepts in order to prepare for advanced math courses.  In the same approach as the Integrated Math curriculum, students will focus on a growing ability to work with a wide variety of functions(linear, polynomial, rational, radical, exponential, logarithmic, piecewise), including a much deeper study of trigonometry than previously covered.  Modeling with all of these functions, as well as 2D and 3D geometric figures, will help students have a large knowledge base with which to practice using data to make predictions and conclusions through statistical analysis.

    This is a course that reviews algebra in context and allows students to RETAIN their mathematical skills as they move to take Math 3. The student on this course will leave with a better appreciation for the utility of mathematics. You will be required to take a final exam on this course.


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Welcome ( Math - 3)

Daily Agenda

    • Objective for the Day
    • Do Now 
    • I Do (Teacher Led)
    •          Direct Instruction & Guided Practice 
    • You Do / We Do (Teacher & Student Led) 
    •         Small Group / Breakout sessions / One - O - One 
    • Independent Practice/ Technology Centers 
    • Home Work Assignment
    •  Exit Ticket

Google Classroom - Communication Tool

Remind - Communication Tool

  • Please download the app REMIND and login into your google classroom to see the directions to sign up

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Zoom / Google Meet / Google Hangouts

  • Please log in into your Math 3 Google Class room to see the Zoom/Google Meet / Google Hangouts meeting timings and their links 

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Virtual Classroom Rules ( Zoom / Google Meet)

  • Google Meet  and Zoom

Classwork Assignments

Lesson support / Videos on the Lessons