
  • Syllabus

    Course:  Math 1


    The main goal of Math I/Algebra I is to develop fluency in working with linear equations. Students will extend their experiences with tables, graphs, and equations and solve linear equations and inequalities and systems of linear equations and inequalities. Students will extend their knowledge of the number system to include irrational numbers. Students will generate equivalent expressions and use formulas. Students will simplify polynomials and begin to study quadratic relationships. Students will use technology and models to investigate and explore mathematical ideas and relationships and develop multiple strategies for analyzing complex situations.  Students will apply mathematical skills and make meaningful connections to life’s experiences.

    This is a course that reviews algebra in context and allows students to RETAIN their mathematical skills as they move to take Math 2. The students on this course will leave with a better appreciation for the utility of mathematics. You will be required to take an NC Math 1 EOC exam on this course.



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Welcome ( Math - 3)

Daily Agenda

    • Objective for the Day
    • Do Now 
    • I Do (Teacher Led)
    •          Direct Instruction & Guided Practice 
    • You Do / We Do (Teacher & Student Led) 
    •         Small Group / Breakout sessions / One - O - One 
    • Independent Practice/ Technology Centers 
    • Home Work Assignment
    •  Exit Ticket

Google Classroom - Communication Tool

Remind - Communication Tool

  • Please download the app REMIND and login into your google classroom to see the directions to sign up

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Zoom / Google Meet / Google Hangouts

  • Please log in into your Math 3 Google Class room to see the Zoom/Google Meet / Google Hangouts meeting timings and their links. 

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Virtual Classroom Rules ( Zoom / Google Meet)

  • Google Meet  and Zoom

Classwork Assignments

Lesson support / Videos on the Lessons