
  • Syllabus

    Course:  NC Math 4


    Welcome to Math 4 !  NC Math 4 provides students with an in-depth study of math in a real world context.  The course expands the study of functions studied in Math III and also covers introductory topics from Pre-Calculus and Statistics.  In Math 4, students solve real world problems using their knowledge of numbers, functions, and algebra. Students seek the meaning of a problem and look for efficient ways to represent and solve it. Students also consider the reasonableness of intermediate results while applying processes to solve complex equations . 


    This is a course that reviews algebra in context and allows students to RETAIN their mathematical skills as they move into college. The students on this course will leave with a better appreciation for the utility of mathematics. You will be required to take a final exam on this course.


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Welcome ( Math - 4)

Daily Agenda

    • Objective for the Day
    • Do Now 
    • I Do (Teacher Led)
    •          Direct Instruction & Guided Practice 
    • You Do / We Do (Teacher & Student Led) 
    •         Small Group / Breakout sessions / One - O - One 
    • Independent Practice/ Technology Centers 
    • Home Work Assignment
    •  Exit Ticket

Google Classroom - Communication Tool

Remind - Communicaton Tool

  • Please download the app REMIND and login into your google classroom to see the directions to sign up

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Zoom / Google Meet / Google Hangouts

  • Please log in into your Math 4 Google Class room to see the Zoom/Google Meet / Google Hangouts meeting timings and their links 

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Class Work Assignments

Lesson support / Videos on the lesson

Home Work Assignments

Virtual Classroom Rules ( Zoom/ Google Meet / Google Hangouts )

Virtual Classroom rules