2020 Messages from Dr. C
July 12, 2020
June 21, 2020
June 14, 2020
June 7, 2020
May 31, 2020
May 24, 2020
May 17, 2020
May 10, 2020
May 3, 2020
April 19, 2020
April 9, 2020
Good Evening Parents, Guardians, Students, and Staff. This is your Superintendent Dr. Eric Cunningham. Despite the ongoing spread of the COVID-19 global pandemic, Halifax County Schools has remained dedicated to serving our students. Even in this ever-changing health crisis, we see the value and importance of education in the daily lives of our students and our staff. I miss seeing the familiar faces in our classrooms and hallways but I thank you for adapting to distant learning in such a short time.
With each day, new information is being provided to help guide us on how certain aspects of the remainder of the school year will be handled. I understand the endless questions that COVID-19 has caused and will continue to be in communication to alleviate those the best I can.
Staff and scholars, I want you to enjoy your Spring Break. It is important to take care of each other. We must take each day as it comes and do the best we can. We will get through this and we will be stronger as a result.
As an update, remember the district will be closed for Spring break starting Friday, April 10, 2020 through Friday, April 17, 2020. Meals will NOT be delivered during this time. If you need support for meals during this time, please text FOODNC to 877-877. More information and other resources will be posted on our social media platforms.
Parents and students, be encouraged, stay safe, and enjoy your families.
Have a good night.
Doc C
April 7, 2020
April 2, 2020
Good evening Students, Parents, Guardians, and Community Members:
This is your Superintendent Doc C. To follow up with last night’s message, you should have received some extra meals today! Shout out to our hard-working child nutrition staff and bus drivers. Remember, we will NOT be delivering meals tomorrow. We will continue with meals next week but on Monday and Wednesday ONLY.
As an update, starting on Friday, April 10th, 2020 schools will be closed through Friday, April 17th for Spring Break!
Learning Packet #3 will be going out with meals on Monday, April 6, 2020. But guess what, Doc C has another surprise. Make sure you have your book bags ready at the bus stop! You do remember those book bags, right? The new packets will be enough to get our scholars through Spring Break. Students continue to strive for five even while on break but also find time to enjoy quality family time.
We will NOT be delivering meals during the spring break. This will be a time for our staff to rest, relax, reboot and spend time with their families!
To our graduating Seniors, normally Halifax County Schools students need 28 credits to graduate with a high school diploma; however, due to the recent pandemic, state policy is allowing students to exit high school with 22 credits. Please visit our webpage and social media pages for the high school graduation requirements checklist. You still must successfully pass your second-semester courses to be eligible.
As a district, we are being challenged in ways that we didn’t imagine just a few weeks ago. Thank you for your support and patience as our entire staff has had to learn to adjust and adapt to what is becoming our “new normal”!
We will continue to connect with you through our social media platforms, district web page, and phone messages for up to date information.
Please continue to encourage and support one another as we face this unprecedented challenge.
Please stay safe!
Doc C
April 1, 2020
Good evening, Students, Parents & Guardians:
How’s everyone doing? As I am sure you have heard the Governor has issued an Executive Order 121 which provides a statewide “Stay-at-Home” order in response to COVID-19. As we prepare for the greatest IMPACT of COVID-19, and to protect my employees and you, we had to make some changes in the delivery of meals.
Starting tomorrow Thursday, April 2, 2020, you will receive meals for Thursday and Friday! Meals will NOT be delivered on Friday. Starting next week, meals will be delivered 2 days a week (Mondays & Wednesdays) until further notice.
On Mondays you will receive 2 meals-
The Bag will include:
(1) hot lunch + fruit
(1) cold lunch + fruit
(2) breakfast + milk
On Wednesdays you will receive
3 meals-
The Bag will include:
(1) hot lunch + fruit
(2) cold lunch + fruit
(3) breakfast + milk
Parents and students when you receive your meals PLEASE practice Social Distancing! As much as we miss your hugs, we need to keep everyone safe. There should one adult per family receiving meals. REMEMBER you must stand 6 feet away from one another.
In closing, we wish you and your family the very best. Remember, life will get back to normal eventually, but hopefully, after this experience is over, our lives will include more appreciation of our blessings and freedoms. We are all in this fight together.
Continue to follow us on social media and visit the district’s webpage for more updates. Contact your child’s principal if you are in need of learning packets. Everyone continue to be safe. Please check on one another. We are HALIFAX and we will continue to “Strive for Five!”
Have a great evening.
Dr. C
March 30, 2020
Good evening, Students, Parents & Guardians. This is your Superintendent, Dr. Eric Cunningham.
Put your 5 fingers up when you hear Doc C! As DAY 11 of COVID-19 comes to a close, I want to say
thank you to ALL OF YOU. School Nutrition Staff, Bus Drivers, Teachers, Support Staff, Principals, my
Central Services Team and the community. Together, we can still give the brightest of days to our
In these challenging times, we are navigating through uncertainty for ourselves, our loved ones and our
community. We hope you are staying healthy and safe.
As an update:
• Governor Cooper issued Executive Order No. 121 - a STAY HOME ORDER to slow the spread of
COVID-19. Because HALIFAX COUNTY SCHOOLS is considered an ESSENTIAL BUSINESS, we will continue
to deliver meals and learning packets. meals.
• Instructional packets #2 will be delivered by April 3, 2020. Scholars continue to strive for Five on
those learning packets.
To Our High Schools Seniors:
We recognize and appreciate the impact the COVID-19 pandemic is having on your Senior year. Just
know that Halifax County Schools is here for you. State board policy will allow students to graduate
meeting the core requirements of 22 credits. We are diligently working on reviewing your transcripts to
determine eligibility for all Seniors. We are also reviewing student progress in courses as of March 13.
Your teachers and principals will be in touch with you this week to discuss your status. We encourage
you to keep working to pass your last semester of courses. C.S. Lewis said that “integrity is doing the
right thing when no one is watching” Stay vigilant because your action or inaction may impact your
ability to graduate on time.
Continue to follow us on social media and visit the district’s webpage for more updates. If you need
additional food assistance, use the TEXTING TOOL available to access food for your children. You will
find this information on our social media page!
Everyone continue to be safe. Please check on one another. We are HALIFAX and we will continue to
“Strive for Five!”
Have a great evening!
Dr. C
March 23, 2020
Good Evening, Students, Parents, & Guardians.
You already know who it is. This is your Superintendent, Doc C. I hope this message finds each of you well and ready for a week of learning and teamwork. We are now in Week 2 of our COVID-19 school shutdown. Today, Governor Roy Cooper declared for schools to be shut down until May 15, 2020. Our goal continues to be the safety, health and well-being of our students and staff. Today, we served 4515 meals. Thank you for ensuring the safety of your children during meal pickup.
Before we begin our day, let us do a quick check-in with our scholars. How many of you are:
- Getting morning exercise?
- Doing your chores?
- Completing your learning packet assignments? Or
- Doing online learning?
Do your best: “Keep Striving for Five in all you do!
Parents and Guardians, We are “Striving for Five in all we do! Please take pictures of your children:
- Washing hands
- Doing their chores
- Reading
- Doing assignments
- Practicing the COVID 5 to reduce the spread of the coronavirus?
As an update, our online remote learning link is available. New resources are added to the site throughout the week. Teachers are connecting students to online learning. Share your children’s feedback with us. Reach out to us by way of our COVID-19 Assistance Hotline to share questions and comments.
In closing, here’s a guiding quote from Henry Ford to enlighten your day: “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.”
Dr. Eric Cunningham, Superintendent
March 20, 2020
Good evening, Students, Parents & Guardians. This is your superintendent, Dr. Eric Cunningham.
WOW, WHAT A WEEK! As I reflect on this week’s outstanding accomplishments my word for today is “TEAMWORK”. It’s a word that communicates a collaborative effort of a group to achieve a common goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way. We are navigating through unchartered waters so to say we are charting a new course is an understatement. Unity is strength and a staff and community that are working together has been a POWERFUL force!
Many thanks to my staff, parents, and community for being a force to be reckoned with. By coming together and working towards the same goal…the education, health and well-being of our students we were able to make sure all of our students continued to receive instruction and their meals while out of school. In week one of COVID-19, we delivered over 18,702 meals. Hats off to all of you! Continue to STRIVE FOR FIVE!
As an update:
- Check out the COVID-19 Remote Learning Link on our homepage. There, you will find Pre-K-12 resources to help you continue to plan for student learning.
- Continue to follow us on social media and visit the district’s webpage for more updates. If you need assistance, please contact the COVID-19 ASSISTANCE HOTLINE. You will find this information on social media and webpage.
- Meals will continue Monday thru Friday of next week.
Have a safe weekend!
March 19, 2020
Good evening, Students, Parents, Guardians, and Staff.
This is your superintendent, Dr. Eric Cunningham. Our word for today is “gratitude”. A word that communicates thankfulness and appreciation for acts of kindness. It is an affirmation of goodness happening on the behalf of someone else. Through “gratitude”, we affirm that there are good things in the world and love for one another –even times of crisis. This doesn’t mean that life is perfect; it doesn’t ignore complaints, burdens, and tough times. But when we look at life as a whole, “gratitude” encourages us to identify some amount of goodness in our lives. I’m seeing examples of gratitude expressed in the pictures that you’re sharing with us online! Keep those pictures coming.
As we strive to support our community during this unprecedented time, we acknowledge the need to ensure quality control in the supports we are providing to our community and are working hard for our community.
Students, this is day-4 of the school shutdown. The pictures of you striving for five at home warms my heart. Keep it coming. Continue to be on your BEST behavior, and complete your chores and school work daily. I am so proud of you!
Parents thank you for your support continue to share pictures of your child striving for five reading daily, working on their learning packets and/or learning virtually.
Community partners, thank you for your support and lending a helping hand. Your efforts do not go unnoticed.
Last but not least I will like to give a BIG Shout out to All of the Halifax County Schools Staff. A special thank you to the teachers and principals who have been volunteering to make sure meals are packed and delivered on top of providing instruction virtually.
Everyone, continue to look for signs of “gratitude” in your community, and share them with friends and family.
Have a Good Night!
Dr. C
March 18, 2020
March 17, 2020
Good Evening Students, Parents, and Guardians.
What better time, to see the strength of our school community being demonstrated… than a GREAT day like today?
We are so PROUD of how you came out to receive the special delivery that we mentioned on yesterday!
A Special Shout Out to the parents that shared pictures of their students enjoying a hot lunch, and students engaging in our Remote Learning Program.
I appreciate the kind words that were shared with my staff in reception of the 2300 meals that were delivered throughout our school community. No students were turned away.
As an update, visit our website for information about our newly developed COVID-19 Remote Learning Hotline. The hours are 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Questions and comments are welcomed by our counselors.
In closing, we are here for your support because we are “Striving for Five!”
Always Remember,
“I Matter to Myself”
“I Matter to My Family”
“I Matter to My Community”
“I Matter to My School”
“I Matter to the World”
Have a Good Night!
March 16, 2020
Good evening, Students, Parents, & Guardians!
This is your Superintendent, Dr. Eric Cunningham. We are now in Day 1 of the implementation of our COVID-19 Comprehensive Contingency Plan. As you know, Halifax County Schools will be closed until March 30, 2020, and we are already missing our school family!
As I stated on Sunday, I will be keeping you informed daily --of the district’s current operational updates. How many of you unexpectedly received school meals on today? Our contingency plan includes - support the well-being of our school community. Beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, March 17th, prepare for a special delivery! Buses will be leaving their school sites at 12:00 Noon to begin delivering packaged breakfast & hot lunch meals along with the Remote Learning Packets for all grade level students.
- Each day, the delivery will take place in the same manner in which students are picked up for school. Please ensure your child is supervised when approaching the bus for pick-ups. Make it a learning experience for your child. Talk about the importance of working together and caring for each other in a community.
- The remote learning packets consist primarily of two-weeks of activities in math and reading. Encourage your students to work on activities daily rather than completing the packet in a couple of days. Packets will be picked up on March 30, 2020.
Scholars do not forget to read for 30 minutes a day, stay safe and continue to “Strive for Five.”
Dr. C
March 15, 2020
Good evening, Students, Parents & Guardians!
This is your superintendent, Dr. Eric Cunningham with the current status of Halifax County Schools’ closings beginning tomorrow (Monday, March 16th). During this time of uncertainty, please know that the Halifax County Schools’ Board of Education and central services are foremost committed to the safety, health, and wellness of our school community, because everyone matters!
The District has prepared a COVID-19 Comprehensive Contingency Plan that establishes procedures to support the abrupt interruption of our Pre-K -12 educational programs. In response to the challenges posed by COVID-19, all schools will be closed for students effective Monday, March 16th thru Monday, March 30, 2020. School closure includes all parent conferences, field trips, before & after-school services and extracurricular activities. Due to the shift in our normal operational program, daily logistics & services are prioritized and will be administered accordingly:
- All school staff will report to their perspective school tomorrow, March 16, 2020 in preparation for the launch of HCS’ Remote Teaching & Learning Program which will begin Tuesday, March 17, 2020. (More information will be forthcoming for parents.)
- Food service employees and custodians will also report during the closure as “bagged” breakfast and lunch meals will be prepared and delivered to support our school community. Meals schedule and updates will be posted on HCS’ website for distribution on Tuesday, March 17,
- Elementary and secondary Remote Learning Packets will consist of 2-week study guides for Pre- K-12 students. In addition, the district’s “Pre-K-12 Remote Teaching & Learning Program” links with various math, reading, & science websites, and practice activities will also be posted on HCS’ website. More information will be posted on the district’s website by Monday afternoon, March 16, 2020.
- School counselors will be on call to assist parents with practical information for helping students adjust to the interruption in their normal academic day. The counselors’ conference call contact information and “remote learning” tips will be posted on the district’s website and in the learning packets.
- Our Public Relations Department’s weekly connect- Ed phone calls will continue to go out to keep you informed of the district’s operational procedures and to give a shout out to students for working diligently to complete their learning packets. Please update your current phone contact information by emailing your child’s teacher. Share pictures and feedback by way of email over the next 2-weeks of how your child is accomplishing learning tasks. Should you have clarifying questions about school operations, a temporary hotline (phone number) for our Remote Learning Program will be posted on the district’s website for support.
In closing, let’s continue to work together as we “chart our new course” through the turbulence at hand. Be mindful of the Center for Disease Control tips for safety in slowing the spread of COVID-19. Mother Teresa’s quote says it best: “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”
Stay safe and stay tuned for frequent updates.
Halifax rise!