• “For every student in North Carolina, a knowledgeable, skilled compassionate teacher...a star in every classroom.”-- NC Professional Teaching Standards 2013


    Welcome, New Teachers!

    If you're in the first three years of your career, then North Carolina considers you a new teacher. We’re proud to have you begin your teaching career here in Halifax County Schools. 

    We’re a unique low-wealth school district located in the northeastern region of North Carolina.  Amid the challenges (waves of poverty), we believe that all children have value, all children have potential, and all children deserve our greatest efforts to expand their opportunities through college and career readiness.

    We focus on the needs of students by empowering them to be successful global residents. The success of our students is dependent upon highly effective teachers whose work results in acceptable, measurable progress for students based on established performance expectations using appropriate data to demonstrate growth.  

    Your commitment to educating our students means spending time refining your craft to effectively close their “learning gap”.  Teachers make the curriculum responsive to cultural diversity and to individual learning needs.  Therefore, instructional planning is constantly monitored to ensure enhanced learning.  As a former principal, I understand the importance of supporting beginning teachers in their classroom roles.  I look forward to getting to know each of you as you begin your journey with Halifax County Schools, the Lighthouse District.

    Best regards,

    Mrs. Carolyn Mitchell,

    Executive Director of Human Resources