Empowered PBL practitioners with customizable PBL & STEM framework to advance collective efficacy
Access to subject matter and school leadership expertise through OWL Fellows and network, eg. NC Science House, NCSU Math Ed, MustInnov8
Anecdotal evidence of increased student engagement, evidence of deeper learning for both students and teachers, reduced absenteeism, decreased behavioral issues, and enhanced collegiality among staff
Interdisciplinary project experiences, eg. Davie's summer lemonade stand and EZ's food truck initiatives showcase student innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurship
Study trips to NEAAAT offer insights into innovative STEM, HQPBL, and design thinking models, emphasizing student stories and the importance of support for innovation.
PBL Champions developed a culture of collaboration and support, fostering positive relationships and idea improvement among educators and OWL co-designers.
Click the link to access the shared drive. If you do not have access and should, please send an email to Sonya Parker at parkers@halifax.k12.nc.us. Be sure to include the grade and content area that you teach.
9525 Highway 301 South Halifax, NC 27839 (PHONE) 252-583-5111 (FAX) 252-583-1474 Site Map