Career and College Promise
Career and College Promise provides seamless dual enrollment educational opportunities for eligible North Carolina high school students in order to accelerate completion of college certificates, diplomas, and associate degrees that lead to college transfer or provide entry-level job skills. North Carolina community colleges may offer the following Career and College Promise pathways aligned with the K-12 curriculum and career and college ready standards adopted by the State Board of Education:
- The College Transfer Pathway leading to a minimum of 30 hours of college transfer credit
- A Career and Technical Education Pathway leading to a certificate, diploma or degree;
Student Application ProceduresThe high school will document eligibility criteria (high school GPA and PLAN or other assessment scores) on the student’s transcript. A Home school or non-public high school student must submit a transcript and official test scores from an approved assessment test.
Students must complete a college application to be admitted into a Career and College Promise pathway.College Transfer Pathway
The Career and College Promise College Transfer Pathway requires the completion of at least thirty semester hours of transfer courses, including English and mathematics.
To be eligible for enrollment, a high school student must meet the following criteria:a. Be a high school junior or senior;
b. Have a weighted GPA of 3.0 on high school courses; and
c. Demonstrate college readiness on an assessment or placement test
d. A student must demonstrate college readiness in English, reading and mathematics to be eligible for enrollment in a College Transfer Pathway.To maintain eligibility for continued enrollment, a student must
a. Continue to make progress toward high school graduation, and
b. Maintain a 2.0 GPA in college coursework after completing two courses.A student must enroll in one College Transfer Pathway program of study and may not substitute courses in one program for courses in another.
A student may change his or her program of study major with approval of the high school principal or his/her designee and the college’s chief student development administrator.
With approval of the high school principal or his/her designee and the college’s designee, a student who completes the College Transfer Pathway while still enrolled in high school may continue to earn college transfer credits leading to the completion of the Associate of Arts.
With approval of the high school principal or his/her designee and the college’s designee, a student may enroll in both a College Transfer Pathway program of study and a Career Technical Education program of study.Career Technical Education Pathway
The Career and College Promise Career Technical Education Pathway leads to a certificate or diploma aligned with a high school Career Cluster.
To be eligible for enrollment, a high school student must meet the following criteria:a. Be a high school junior or senior;
b. Have a weighted GPA of 3.0 on high school courses or have the recommendation of the high school principal or his/her designee; and
c. Meet the prerequisites for the career pathway.High school counselors should consider students’ PLAN scores in making pathway recommendations.
College Career Technical Education courses may be used to provide partial or full fulfillment of a four-unit career cluster. Where possible, students should be granted articulated credit based on the local or state North Carolina High School to Community College articulation agreement.
To maintain eligibility for continued enrollment, a student musta. Continue to make progress toward high school graduation, and
b. Maintain a 2.0 in college coursework after completing two courses.A student must enroll in one program of study and may not substitute courses in one program for courses in another. The student may change his or her program of study major with approval of the high school principal or his/her designee and the college’s chief student development administrator.